Check out some excerpts of our interview with Prof. Dr. Paulo César Scarim, geographer at the Espírito Santo Federal University (UFES), about family agriculture, child labor and learning from the perspective of peasant farmer. “The notion of child labor comes from an urban perspective, that is, it has a direct relationship to specialized labor. For […]

The children in Alto Santa Maria take part in their parents’ work on the farm from an early age. Babies even have a cradle on wheels to so they can be next to their parents while they work. When they get a little older they get their own hoe and with it learn the movements […]

On departure the luggage consists of a spoon, a bucket and an empty sack. Upon return, it’s a sack full of bebe fumo. Many families in Acupe support themselves by catching a kind of shellfish that has the curious name of bebe fumo, or smoke drinker. There is a long trip by foot in order […]