By the afternoon, everything has changed: no longer bought or rented from a store, but built artisanally by Dodô’s talented hands, the caretas, or grimaces, parade through the town. Walking into the workshop is like penetrating a mystery, violating a secret. The caretas of Acupe (in the state of Bahia) have their own voice, costumes […]

Those who walk down the streets of Acupe (in the state of Bahia) on Sundays in July can’t avoid meeting the traditional “rubber Careta (or grimmace).” There are countless people, both children and adults, dressed in frightening masks and outfits and hitting those who provoke them. They appear when you least expect, you turn a […]

The fire invites us to talk about fear, to listen about courage, to warm us from the cold. The moment we sat around it, stories began to appear without invitation, they simply appeared. In Tatajuba, every child has a terrible story to tell. No, not stories they heard, stories they lived themselves. These children have […]

Beneath a mango tree, Seu Dodô creates his incredible paper masks. These are masks borne out of a fearful imagination and painted in the colors that belong to it: black, red and white. First the clay is worked, smoothed, and sculpted into frightful shapes. Next, he covers the clay with strips of brown paper mixed […]